Full Life Christian Centre, Uyo, Nigeria

About Full Life Christian Centre, Nigeria

Full Life is fast imparting the world with the wisdom and power of God as prophesied in Habakkuk 2:14; and this is just the...

Anti-Gay U.S Pastor, Steven Anderson, Banned From South Africa And UK

Pastor Steven Anderson, fundamentalist American pastor at Faithful Word Baptist Church, was planning an overseas “soul-winning” trip to South Africa. Those plans were officially halted...
Papa Kenneth E. Hagin

Biography Of Kenneth E. Hagin

Kenneth Erwin Hagin was an influential American Charismatic preacher born on August 20, 1917 in McKinney, Texas to the family of Lillie Viola Drake Hagin and Jess Hagin. He...

Egypt’s New Church Law Discriminates Against Christians

Egypt has an estimated population of nine million Christians. Mostly Orthodox Copts, they account for about 10 per cent of Egypt's population, which is...

Biography Of Kathryn Kuhlman

Christian history has been marked by humble men and women whom God raises up and use for a special work in every generation. Kathryn...
Sadiq, a member of PLC team, gives water to a captured, confirmed ISIS member. "You killed my friend. But I've come here to feed you," he said.

Christians Feed ISIS In Fallujah

In what is arguably the most righteous act any Christian can ever bestow upon another person, one organization has decided to help survivors of...

We’re So Unashamed, We Wrote a Book on It. Three of Them, Actually

Our age is characterized by what psychotherapist Joseph Burgo called an “anti-shame zeitgeist.” The beloved researcher Brené Brown wrote two No. 1 New York Times bestsellers...

French Priest Murdered By Militants Is A Martyr: Pope Francis

On Wednesday (Sept 14), Pope Francis said Father Jacques Hamel, the French priest knifed to death at his altar by Islamist militants in July, was...

The Pathway To Honour Is Humility

The pathway to honour is humility. Proverbs 15:33. Men seek honour everyday and in everything, people kill and have been killed for the purpose of obtaining...
Bro Gbile Akanni Books

Bro Gbile Akanni Books

Gbile Akanni is committed to turning believers into disciples. He has great depth of the word of God. His authoritative teaching is deeply challenging...