
Satanic Temple Opens HQ In Salem, MA, Christian Church Responds

A Christian church in Salem, Massachusetts says it is ready to combat Satanic Temple with a Christ-like response. Arthur Savage, the pastor of Wesley United Methodist...

Chris Pratt: Why My Friends And I Erected A Huge Cross On Easter Weekend

Actor Chris Pratt posted a series of pictures to Instagram last Easter showing himself and two friends erecting a huge cross in the Texas desert. In...

Pastor Deported from Botswana after Saying Gays and Lesbians Should be Killed

A pastor who was recently banned from South Africa and went instead to Botswana, has been deported from that country and also banned there....
Today's Lesson From The Proverbs

As A Man Thinks, So He Becomes

As you think, so you become Proverb 23:7 If you think you are done, so you are. If you think you are a failure, so you become. If...

Religious Liberty Report is ‘Moral Disaster’: Baptist Leaders

Baptist leaders have critisized a new report that says there should be “peaceful coexistence” between religious groups and "non-discrimination principles." The report which is from the...

U.S. Military Is Unfriendly With Many Christian Beliefs

In a recent interview, a newly retired Navy chaplain, Wes Modder said that the military has become openly hostile to Christianity. Wes Modder, who had served in the...

How To Pray For The Atheist: Billy Graham

Rev. Billy Graham, before his death, was asked by a reader, how she could win her atheist friend to Christ. Graham had a wise response. The reader...

Pope Francis Eats With Refugees In Assisi

Refugees and leaders of religious faiths including Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus have met with Pope Francis and joined him for a day of prayer...
Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe

Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe Personal Website

The personal website of Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe, formerly known as Pastor Anita Oyakhilome is Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe Oyakhilome was a pioneer member of the Christ...
Pastor Anita Oyakhilome

Biography Of Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe Oyakhilome

Pastor Anita Odegwa Ebhodaghe Oyakhilome was a pioneer member of the Christ Embassy Church, she was the Vice President of the Believer's LoveWorld Inc....