‘The Best Day in Prison, Ever’: Over 100 Women in Las Vegas Prison Receive...

About 110 convicted criminals inside a Las Vegas maximum security prison were transformed by the power of God's redemptive love over the weekend. God Behind...
U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks during a church service at Koinonia Christian Center in Greenville, North Carolina, on Oct. 13, 2024.

“You’re In The Wrong Rally”: Kamala Harris Tells Christians For Shouting Jesus Is Lord...

Vice President Kamala Harris last week ignited a firestorm of controversy after mocking a rally attendee who shouted “Christ is King, Jesus is Lord”...

Crown Prince of Iran, Other Iranians Urge Israel to ‘Take Down’ Iran’s Tyrannical Regime

Amid growing tensions between Israel and Iran, many Iranians are openly calling for the Jewish state to take military action against their own government.  Citizens...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli PM Netanyahu Renews Pledge to Win War; Hundreds of Hamas Terrorists Surrender

The Iranian-backed Hezbollah fired a drone this weekend at the home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The assassination attempt failed, but Netanyahu said he...

Israel-Hamas: ‘This War Can End Tomorrow,’ Netanyahu Says After Death Of Hamas Leader Yahya...

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who masterminded the October 7th attack, who is also considered the mass murderer of more Jews than anyone since Hitler,...
Satanic Temple Declares Abortion 'Religious Ritual'

Satanic Temple Opens ‘Religious’ Abortion Clinic as Part of ‘Destruction Ritual’

The Satanic Temple (TST) has opened its second abortion facility - this time in Virginia - reaffirming its so-called belief in abortion, to provide what it describes...
Adam Smith-Connor, a British military veteran and a father of two, was sentenced for praying silently near abortion clinic

Christian Man Convicted, Sentenced for Praying Silently Near Abortion Clinic

A Christian man in the United Kingdom has been convicted for praying silently just inside what had been dubbed a “buffer zone” at an...

Pastors Lament Over Drop In Offerings, Blame Blame Bad Economy

A majority of pastors are blaming a poor economy for their struggling bottom lines after experiencing double-digit declines to zero improvement in financial offerings...

Unmasking The Ruthless Spiritual Warfare of Transgenderism

Two events in recent days have crystallized for me the ruthless spiritual warfare surrounding the push to confuse children about their sex, particularly with...
U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks during a church service at Koinonia Christian Center in Greenville, North Carolina, on Oct. 13, 2024.

Kamala Harris Hailed As ‘Phenomenal Servant Of God’ As She Speaks At NC Megachurch

Vice President Kamala Harris was hailed as a “phenomenal servant of God” Sunday by Bishop Rosie O'Neal, founder and senior pastor of Koinonia Christian...