I Serve A Risen Saviour Hes In The World Today Hymn...
1 I serve a risen Savior,
he's in the world today;
I know that he is living,
whatever others say;
I see his hand of mercy,
I hear his...
List Of Songs By Thomas A. Dorsey (Gospel Artist)
1.Take My Hand, Precious Lord - (with Marion Williams)
2.It's A Highway To Heaven - (with Alex Bradford)
3.Hide Me In Thy Bosom - (with The...
List Of Songs By The Statler Brothers
Tracks of Disc 1
1.Bed of Roses
2.Whatever Happened to Randolph Scott
3.Do You Remember These
4.Carry Me Back
5.Flowers on the Wall
6.The Class of '57
7.I'll Go to My...
List Of Songs By Little Richard
The Girl Can't Help It (1956)
Don't Knock the Rock (1956)
Mister Rock and Roll (1957)
Catalina Caper (aka Never Steal Anything Wet, 1967),
Little Richard:(1969)
The London Rock...
Biography Of Derek Johnson – Gospel Artist
Derek Johnson is an American Christian musician born on March 5, 1987 in Roselawn, Indiana. He is the youngest of six brothers.
Derek is a singer-songwriter who has a heart...
I Must Needs Go Home By The Way Of The Cross...
I must needs go home by the way of the cross,
There’s no other way but this;
I shall ne’er get sight of the Gates of...
List Of Songs By William And Versey Smith
William and Versey Smith/Songs/
When That Great Ship Went Down
Everybody Help the Boys Come Home
Essential Blues Masters · 2009
Sinner You'll Need King Jesus
I Believe I'll...
List Of Songs By Richard Smallwood
Tracks of Disc 1
1.Procession of The Levites (Orchestral Prelude)
2.Anthem of Praise
4.I Love The Lord
5.Center of My Joy
6.Bless The Lord
7.Holy Thou Art God
8.Holy Thou Art...
Are You Walking And A Talking With The Lord Hymn Lyrics
On your journey to the grave
Would you stop and try to save
Are you walkin' and a-talkin' with the Lord?
Would you lend a helping hand