Worship singer Natalie Grant posted a video on Facebook asking for prayer.

“Three years ago I had an ultrasound on my thyroid,” Grant explained. “At that time the doctors found several tumors, nodules, on my thyroid which they said looked benign and un-concerning,”

“Two weeks ago I had an ultrasound and two of the tumors on the right side of my thyroid have decided to not stay un-concerning. So, I’m going into surgery on October the 10th to remove the right side of my thyroid.”

Grant says she must cancel her upcoming concerts to fully recover from the surgery.

“We’re canceling my concerts from the mid of October to the end of November,” she said in the video. “I believe I’ll be coming back stronger than ever but I’ll be smart, wise, and take the time needed to recover.”

While Grant admits the diagnosis is scary at times, she believes prayer is powerful.

“Pray for wisdom for the doctors, for just God’s hand of mercy and grace on my voice,” she wrote.

She also says God is using this time of uncertainty to teach her what it means to wait on Him.

Update & Prayer Request

Hi friends. Please watch for a health update and prayer request.

I love and appreciate you all so much.


**addition to this post for clarification: there can be no definitive diagnosis until my surgery. Your prayer, love and support are overwhelming me in the most beautiful way!**

Posted by Natalie Grant on Thursday, September 21, 2017

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