Landen was nearly killed four months ago when a stranger picked him up and tossed him 40 feet from the third-floor balcony to the first floor below at the Minnesota mall.

The family of a 5-year-old boy who was gravely injured when he was thrown off a balcony at the Mall of America on April 12 is thanking God after he was moved out of intensive care and into a physical rehab program.
“The Lord is good, and we are thankful,” a statement on his GoFundMe page reads. “Some great positive news to be able to share with you from Landen’s family,” page administrator Noah Hanneman, a family friend, wrote on the page Thursday. “We are happy to report that our son is no longer in intensive care and has been moved to an inpatient, physical rehab program at another hospital to help him continue to heal and focus on the next phase of his recovery.
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The boy, known only by his first name, Landen, was nearly killed four months ago when a stranger picked him up and tossed him 40 feet from the third-floor balcony to the first floor below at the Minnesota mall. The stranger, Emmanuel D. Aranda, pleaded guilty to attempted first-degree murder and said he had gone to the mall “looking for someone to kill.”

The GoFundMe fundraiser netted just over $1 million from more than 29,000 donors for Landen’s medical bills and recovery. He had more than 15 medical procedures or surgeries, according to a June 25 update from the family.
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The family has been open about their faith. The June 25 update said they “thank Jesus” for his survival, which they call a “miracle.”
“There is hard work ahead! And, our beautiful boy has endured much already, but he is strong and his spirit remains vibrant,” Landen’s family wrote on Thursday. “We continue to be eternally grateful for every prayer, every act of kindness and the love this world has [shown] us throughout this journey. Thank You.”
In April, they thanked people for praying.
“We have an important week ahead with more milestones to accomplish,” the family said in an April statement. “God’s hand is working. Your prayers are working. … We remain steadfast in our faith. Thank you so much and keep praying.”
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