Rev’d Moyo Akin-Ojo is a word of faith preacher, and the senior pastor of Manifold Grace Ministry.
He is an Author, Radio Host and Conference Speaker, With A Miracle Ministry Spanning Over 20 Years.
Born June 6, Moyo has Consistently Pursued The Lord’s Mandate To Lift His People Into New Levels Of Victory through The Teaching Of The Word Of Faith And The Release Of The Supernatural.
Biography Of Pa Josiah Akindayomi – Founder of The Redeemed Christian Church Of God (RCCG)
A Colonel in the Nigerian Army, Moyo Studied at the University of Ibadan staff school, Nigerian Military School (NMS) Zaria, Nigerian Defence Academy, and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Moyo is married to Ebowo Akin-ojo, a woman of God who has been so supportive to his ministry, and they are both blessed with three Children; Femi, Tobi And Ore.

See Also: Biography Of Bro. Gbile Akanni
About Manifold Grace Ministry
Manifold Grace Ministry was inaugurated on the 6th of June 1995 in Ibadan Nigeria. Since its birth, the ministry has seen literally thousands of people saved, healed and built up in God’s word as it has remained obedient to the heavenly vision.

Biography Of Apostle Joshua Selman

I never knew this Preacher until my brother gave me his messages after I traveled home for xmas, and his messages have really really blessed my life. It’s a blessing to have such Worded and anointing man of God as a Major in the Nigerian Army. I love Rev. Moyo Akin-Ojo.
I have been imparted greatly listening to Rev moyo’s messages. I have been so engrossed with these messages that has brought a positive turn around in my life May God’s blessings continue to overflow in his family and ministry.
He is something else. He’s got so much revelation on Grace and what amazes me is despite being an army general, he still has such depth. That means a person’s work is not really an excuse for not having a deep relationship with God. I love Rev. Moyo….I just keep downloading and listening to his messages
Comment:Hi David, please what site do you use in downloading Major Moyo’s messages?
I just search in youtube for him. Thanks for asking
Comment: Use this link to download messages. http://www.manifoldgraceministries.org/media/new-levels-of-victory/
Sweet heart. Download telegram n search Manifold Grace.
In my church we call him “DADDY”
He’s such an amazing soul, he preaches with his heart, daddy will never tell you another way to salvation, one of his words are: Your sins are forgiven, nothing crack, nothing missing, nothing broken.
When daddy preaches you must want to listen because words of prophecy must locate you. Infact currently listening to his message, THE GOSPEL.
What amazes me is his great sense of humour which you will normally not expect from him because he is a soldier but chai…His laugh hmm sometimes he might look like he is just joking but the anointing in which those words are drenched will hit you no matter how he says it. God bless him so much…
…I have no words to describe the grace he carries than to thank God for bringing him to my life at such a time as this…
He is extremely powerful, a teacher of unparalleled grace and insight. May God keep blessing him.
One of the best things that ever happened to me is hearing Col. Moyo teach, my life has been fired up! God bless yoy sir!!!
Comment:listening to his messages is always a blessing to me
My pastor, Born-great Clement fed us with captain moyo’s messages. we will listen to it and summarize it. He even bought the tapes and gave to us individually to listen. i also met him in UNN when he came for great grace campaign. i love you sir for being a blessing to us. Your messages are extremely loaded.
Comment:I’m always blessed whenever I listen to your messages Rev..
God bless you so much sir ..
I have never seen it on this version before… Grace so balanced. Thank God I found it! God bless you Sir
Comment: My life changed dramatically when I encountered his ministry in 2015.
Oh those messages. They brought so much clarity to the gospel of grace.
And set a burning fire in my heart.
I later found out that the same testimonies abound in the lives of many.
(I know of a lady, that previously didn’t believe in spiritual gifts, who got filled with the HolyGhost just by listening to the message “Battering Rams of Intercession”)
I finally saw him live in Port Harcourt in 2016. Changed my life forever.
The simplicity, passion and love of this man.
The miraculous. Raw Power. Impartations like I had never seen in my life.
Then I found out, that for many years, several great ministers of the gospel drink steadily from this great gift to the body of Christ.
Yet He makes no noise about it.
Literally thousands of ministers of the gospel.
No heavy publicity. Just a man fulfilling God’s call.
Thank you for your labour of love sir.
It will take eternity to know how far your sacrifices contributed to building the body of Christ.
I started listening to Rev Moyo Akin-Ojo in 2016 and saw him physically in 2018 and ever since my life as changed. Thank God i crossed your path in life sir. you are a Mentor and Model.
Rev Moyo Akin-ojo..
Is a good mentor, father and a worded minister of the gospel, with great understanding of new creation reality.
Am proud to point u as my Father.
More grace and anointing!
“Life is about stages where we have encounters of the God-kind because we met carriers of the power of God”….
From the first time I was in Col Moyo’s meeting 2011, I knew there was something here for me..
Daddy Moyo, I’ll forever celebrate you and always love you Sir!
Thank you for hearing God’s call sir. You have blessed so many lives. Nations and Kingdoms have come to the brightness of your rising! I tape into this grace sir!
I got pastor moyo’s message via a girl friend and ever since my life has changed. The one part that has changed the way I see myself is when he spoke about God, s love and my sins being forgiven. His messages made me hate sin. The vibes are working.
Wonderful Jesus
A God- sent indeed.
Thank you Dad for the many unquantifiable blessings you are to us. Thank God for Manifold Grace Ministries – Prayers With Ebowo & New Levels Victories
Up until now, as an officer in d Army, I thought I may not be able to go far in my relationship with God and spiritual journey, but listening to d Snr officer has lifted up my spirit..am still awed how someone who went to NMS and NDA wit day kind of malice around him still manage to keep his head high spiritually…this is purely an election of God
Over an over again I listen to the only message of his I have. – Power of the New Covenant, what got to my soul is who God is.