“Support Us Or Flee”: Terrorist Threaten Christians In Central Mali


Christians in central Mali have been given an ultimatum by local terrorists – help in their fight against the country’s military power or leave their homes and communities.

Pastors in Mopti region were summoned by the Islamic extremists and given three options if they wanted to stay in the area, according to Open Doors sources. Their three options were:

  1. provide men to fight against the army
  2. give the jihadists money to hire mercenaries, or
  3. convert to Islam and close their churches.

The pastors were told that, if they failed to comply, they should leave their homes immediately. The implication was clearly a threat of violence if they did not – and violence from Islamic militants is the major cause of persecution against Christians in Mali. It is currently number 14 on the World Watch List, having risen three places in the past year.

“Christians are very worried about this new development and are taking the threat seriously,” says Pastor Charles Yabaga Diarra*, who fled his hometown of Timbuktu in 2012 when it fell to Tuareg rebels, the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).

He adds, “Nothing has happened on this scale before. Because the jihadists conquered the land, they feel it belongs to them, so they are telling the Christians to pay them a Zakat tax, which is an Islamic tithe. Muslims and animists are already paying it.”

When did the violence start?

Since 2012, Mali has suffered from three military coups and has struggled to control Islamic groups operating in the north of the country. According to Open Doors research, since jihadists have taken control of certain areas, churches have been destroyed and Christians displaced,

“In some areas in Central Mali, schools have been closed for four years,” says Pastor Charles. “People are not able to farm and are living under intense pressure.”

Please pray for Mali Christians facing these impossible choices.

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