Evangelist Robby Dawkins is currently on a trip to Iraq, where he is coming into direct contact with those suffering the perils of ISIS occupation, as well as praying for the militants themselves.
“In us resides the hope of all nations and the only solution to terrorism,” he writes of his trip. “My prayer is always, “Lord connect me with key people to share the love and power of Jesus with, to see transformation come to individuals as well as nations.””
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Already, Dawkins has seen some extraordinary things happen, as he seeks to minister to people in this war-torn nation. “The US government gave the Kurds weapons against ISIS. We brought our own against the powers of Darkness,” he declares. And he came face-to-face with that darkness when meeting an ISIS militant in person. “You are looking in the face of ISIS, I was told this by this young man as I approached him.” he posted with a picture of the man.
“What do you see? Do you see your enemy? I see an opportunity. One of the guys with me said, if he could have a sword, your head would be off. I feel The great love of Jesus for him,” Dawkins continued.
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“Paul said “the love of Christ compels me!” Jesus said, “love your enemies…” I’m not against protecting a nations citizens. I agree with protecting our borders. But you have freedom to come to this nation and love them. I see an opportunity to love. This young man felt electricity as he was prayed for. It gave him a tangible experience with Isa (Arabic for Jesus). What do you see? Now, what will you do?”
But this incredible ministry trip has not been easy. Dawkins has experienced some fierce criticism for voluntarily putting his own life at risk.
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“This is my response to all the critical messages being sent to me, my wife and my sons telling them and me We are irresponsible and stupid for me coming to these two countries being attacked by ISIS,” he writes. “Look into these little faces so hungry for love, so longing for a Savior. Tell them I am a fool for loving them and being willing to lay my life down for them to hear of the Savior they have never known. Tell them “You aren’t worth it!””
“This is why we come. John 15:13”
Pray for Robby’s safety and check out some of the things he’s up to below
‘I Made Up My Mind’: Deaf Muslim Man Shares Testimony Of Conversion To Christianity
Muslims Turning To Christ In Great Numbers Through Dreams And Visions
A brave man but needs prayer back up and encouragement. Who is going to reach these lost individuals. Here is a man who is going into the world at his own expense. If he can win some for Christ and arrange some discipleship and finally connect them into Christian fellowship – that is great. Isn’t this what it is about laying our lives down for the gospel sake and bringing good news to the dark areas of our world. If his wife is in support then we can only support and pray for them.