Imam Anjem Choudary

I Support Muslims To U.S. To Impose Sharia Law (Video) – Imam

This radical muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary, does not hide his genuine opinions behind any smokescreens. Living a life that includes Jihad against non-Muslims and...

Why 5 Of The Wealthiest Muslim Nations Never Accept Refugees

Five Of The Wealthiest Muslim Countries Have Taken No Syrian Refugees In At All, Arguing That Doing So Would Open Them Up To The...

‘Why Do Muslim Refugees Go To Christian Countries?’

"Why is it, help me understand, always help me, why is it we see Muslims running from Muslim countries to Christian countries for a...

Quran Passages That Support ISIS Ideology

IT’S ALL IN THE BOOK: Some pretty frightening passages in the Koran that can be linked to ISIS behavior. Doctrines of Radical Islam and ISIS...

WAFBEC 2017 Live Stream

[youtube] WAFBEC 2017 DAY 8 | EVENING SESSION We hope you're being blessed

Killing Of Christians No Longer Acceptable – President Trump

“Christians in the Middle-East have been executed in large numbers. We cannot allow this horror to continue!” President Donald Trump, in a rare show of...

‘Selah’: Appears 74 Times In The Bible But What Does It Mean?

With another three occurrences in Habakkuk, Selah bisects the Psalms 71 times. It appears as many times as the phrase "fear not". But no one really...

Islamic Terrorists Threatens First Baptist, Church Says ‘Not Afraid’

ISIS Calls for Attack on First Baptist of Dallas: Church Rejects 'Spirit of Fear' The Islamic terrorist group ISIS is calling on its followers to...
President Trump signing an executive order in the Oval Office.

Trump Ban On Refugees Exempts Persecuted Syrian Christians

Persecuted Christians will finally be considered for resettlement in the United States President Donald Trump signed new orders to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the...

Israel To House 100 Syrian Refugee Children

Israel will take in refugee children from the Syrian crisis, Israeli Channel 10 reported. According to the report, the Jewish State will take in approximately...