
Assemblies Of God Crisis: Rev. Paul Emeka Loses At Supreme Court

The Supreme Court on Friday brought leadership crisis rocking the Assemblies of God Church to an end. This is as the apex court in...

ISIS Murders Another Christian In Egypt

Suspected Islamic militants gunned down a Coptic Christian inside his home in northern Sinai, the sixth such killing in a month’s time in the...
Pastor Andrew Brunson

Courts Split Over US Christians Caught Up In Turkey’s Crackdown

Last week, dozens of US lawmakers called for Turkey to release American pastor Andrew Brunson, who remains imprisoned there with limited access to his attorney...

Pakistan Convicts 42 Christians Of Terrorism After Acquitting Over 100 Muslims

An anti-terrorism court in Lahore has sentenced 42 Christians for rioting after two churches in Pakistan’s largest Christian neighborhood were bombed in 2015,reports Fides,...
File: Chinese President Xi Jinping

China Deports 32 South Korean Missionaries

 four South Korean Christian missionaries have been arrested by the communist government of China. The government also expelled at least 32 more after carrying...

See The 10 Ways Pastors Can Be Bad Bosses

I have seen some pastors thrive and some pastors fail. And I have seen two common reasons for pastors failing. They lack leadership skills...

Trusting God’s Character When You Don’t Understand His Actions

Day and night I tried to reconcile God's justice with what seemed to me to be an unjust action. One of the biggest challenges in...

Congo: ‘Violent Thungs’ Desecrating Churches, Attack Christians

  Following a wave of increased hostility against believers, Churches in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are being desecrated and Christian nuns terrorized by...

Christian Family Of ISIS Suicide Bomber Says He Was Brainwashed

The Christian family of Jamal al-Harith, a British citizen who killed himself in an Islamic State suicide bombing in Iraq earlier in February, have said...

Protect Churches And Christian Properties, Groups Urge Government

Members of Christian Joint Action Committee take out a rally in Kurnool Leaders of several political parties and Christian Joint Action Committee members rallied to...