Pence Stands Strong For Trump, Says He Believes In Grace
Mike Pence, the Republican vice presidential candidate, continues to stand strong for his running mate, Donald Trump.
"I joined this campaign in a heartbeat because...
Dr. Ben Carson On Trump’s Lewd Video Comments
See Also:
More Evangelical Leaders Take a Stand Against Trump
Evangelical Christians Desert Trump Following Lewd Video Revelation
U.S. Election: More Evangelical Leaders Take a Stand Against Trump
The dividing line is growing wider between evangelicals who continue to support Republican nominee Donald Trump and those who believe the now infamous "Trump...
Evangelical Christians Desert Trump Following Lewd Video Revelation
It's true most Christians love GOP nominee Donald Trump's conservative stance on issues like abortion, religious freedom, and the Supreme Court. Their big hold...
Cahn Says Arch of Baal in NYC Is Inviting God’s Judgment
Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic rabbi says another prophetic warning about the judgment of God against America has come to pass in the heart of...
InterVarsity To Dismiss Employees Who Support Gay Marriage
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA, one of the largest evangelical organizations on college campuses nationwide has told its 1,300 staff members they will be fired...
U.S. – InterVarsity Explains The Reason For Its Same Sex Marriage...
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA, one of the largest evangelical college campus ministries in the country, is defending a new policy that asks staff to...
Albanian Priest Becomes Cardinal After Suffering Persecution
For 28 years, Ernest Simoni, an Albanian priest was persecuted by his country's Communist authorities for refusing to speak out against Christianity.
His testimony of endurance...
Only The Lord Will Save Donald Trump – David Lane
The influential evangelical leader, David Lane, who hosted Donald Trump at one of his big Pastors and Pews events this past August, has some...
Haitian Christians Worship God Under Hurricane-devastated Church Building
Even after losing loved ones and homes, Haitian survivors picked their way through the rubble of their broken country to sing praise to God...