“It is not the job of the intelligence community to find the roots of these conversions from Islam. But it’s happening right before our eyes”

Iran’s intelligence minister has admitted publicly for the first time that Christianity is spreading throughout Iran.
Iranwire.com reports Mahmoud Alavi, the Islamic Republic’s intelligence minister, was giving a speech in front of several Shia Muslim clerics when he announced “Christianity is spreading in “parts” of Iran.”
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In an apparent attempt to make light of the people are converting, Alavi said: “These converts are ordinary people whose jobs are selling sandwiches or similar things.”
The intelligence minister also told the clerics to quit bickering among themselves.
“We had no choice but to summon them to ask them why they were converting,” Alavi told the assembled group. “Some of them said they were looking for a religion that gives them peace. We told them that Islam is the religion of brotherhood and peace. They responded by saying that: ‘All the time we see Muslim clerics and those who preach from the pulpit talk against each other. If Islam is the religion of cordiality, then before anything else, there must be cordiality and peace among the clerics themselves.”
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“It is not the job of the intelligence community to find the roots of these conversions from Islam. But it’s happening right before our eyes,” he added.
Iran ranks 9th on Christian support organization Open Doors 2019 World Watch list of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.
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By God grace, peace will dominate the world tru friendly, organize, brotherly Gospel call CHRISTAINITY in Jesus name.
Because is the prince of peace
Turning to CHRIST?
One word: Praise be to God!
Halelluyah every think in the most be a peace by the grace change Christ,Jesus I only way give Jesus your life let be a one in world Good bless all accept God
In truth, I am overjoyed to see our Lord working in such places around the world as I know many people who believe in this false faith who are good people and I am saddened that they are deceived. They are a people of such faith also, even though it is misplaced. I praise my God on high and He who sits at his right hand side for the work of the Spirit I am witnessing.
Enough of deception, people have been able to see for themselves that they were been deceived that Islam mean peace whereas it is a lie, JESUS is the Prince of peace that guaranteed peace either for individual or a nation that embrace Him. SO IRAN embrace JESUS CHRIST.
Comment:this is good news from an intelligent officer from Iran.
Stop calling them Muslim please, because they are not Muslim in the first place.therefore if the whole country will change or convert to Christianity nothing will happen to the Muslim or Islam in general. Islam is the only religion recognize by Allah, alhamdulillah we out numbered any religion in the world, and those converted to Christianity will remain in hellfire if they couldn’t repent to Allah (s.w.t),oh! Allah safe our faith and guide us to right path amiin
May the Lord liberate the Muslims from the shackles of satan (allah) to the light of Jesus Christ. The gospel shall gets to all corners of the world.
Am so happy to hear that our Lord Jesus Christ His name is preaching to all Nations.Praise be to your name Jesus Christ the son of our heavenly Father.
Good! And I pray for the intelligence Minister and Muslim clerics in Iran,that the enemy will not deny them the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ by using their position n religious status to hinder their conversion to Truth,in Jesus’name.Amen.
Dacă cu enorme eforturi financiar-umane nu se confirmă existența vieții decât pe planeta Terra,se confirmă descrierea Genezei Biblice!
Si Codul lui Hammurabi,vorbește despre un potop de ape,mondial!
Profeții religiilor trebuie verificați,prin împlinirea previziunilor lor.
More&more wining of souls to christ in jesus name amen
I pray that Jesus Christ will appear to Mahmoud
Praise the Lord.
All over the world, the Spirit is moving! Praise God! Beloved, let us continue in prayers to intercede for nations.
God bless U today.
Glory to God….
More are coming
Praise the Lord , I pray the Lord of the harvest will send in more workers to these fields.
Iran is for Christ