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Please Pray for Missionary Danny Jones, Missionary to Thailand, As He, His Wife And 3 Children Test Positive Of Coronavirus

Missionary Danny Jones, His Wife Rachel And 3 Children

Missionary Danny Jones, His Wife Rachel And 3 Children

Bro. Danny Jones, Missionary to Thailand at Westwood Missionary Baptist Church is in critical condition after testing positive from COVID-19.

Charlie R Ellison, a Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church and Chaplain at Deer Park Police Department, shared Missionary Jones’ condition on his Facebook timeline, where he said that the missionary’s condition worsened to the point he has been hospitalized.

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In the Facebook post which has recieved over 130,000 shares and over 6,000 prayers for the healing of the missionary and his family, Charlie also revealed that Bro. Danny’s whole family is seriously sick as his wife Rachel and three daughters have contacted the virus as well, hence, asking for prayers from around the world for the healing of this precious brother..

He wrote;

Please pray for Missionary, Bro. Danny Jones, missionary to Thailand. He has contacted the coronavirus and his condition has worsened to the point he has been hospitalized. His wife Rachel and three daughters have contacted the virus as well. The whole family is seriously sick. Please forward this prayer request around the world.

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Update on Danny Jones and Family, from his wife, Rachel Jones:

“Thank you to everyone around the world who has been praying for our family. Danny is still having trouble breathing and so they have hooked oxygen into his CPAP machine and he’s keeping it on at all times. The girls and I are still trying to rest and stay hydrated and we will find out the results of our swabs on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please continue to lift us up to the Lord as we rely on Him to give us the strength to get through this!”

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