Nigerian Bishop Leaves Methodist Church Amid Homosexuality Schism

Bishop John Wesley Yohanna - United Methodist Church
“Nigerian Bishop Johnwesley Yohanna and his cabinet resigned from The Nigerian Episcopal Area Of United Methodist Church.”

The bishop of the United Methodist Church’s Nigerian Episcopal Area has resigned from his position, with some or all of the African-based regional body possibly leaving with him in response to the denomination allowing same-sex marriage and ordination of noncelibate homosexuals in the Church.

In an email statement by UMC Council of Bishops spokesperson on Tuesday, the denominational leadership announced that they accepted the resignation of Bishop John Wesley Yohanna, The Christian Post reports.

Council of Bishops President Bishop Tracy Smith Malone sent a letter to her fellow bishops confirming the resignation, saying it became effective on Monday.

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Bishop Malone’s statement reads; “we are saddened by his decision to no longer continue ministry with The United Methodist Church. I invite us to pray for our former colleague and the church in Nigeria, especially those who choose to remain in The United Methodist Church. This is a very difficult and confusing time for them.”

Malone stated that the UMC bishops are working with the West Africa College of Bishops and Episcopacy Committee to enact interim episcopal leadership for the region.

Until then, Malone urged bishops with covenantal relationships with UMC congregations in Nigeria to “immediately withhold sending funding and escrow the funds until new episcopal leadership is in place and new mechanisms are in place.”

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Malone’s request was made of the denomination’s general secretaries, as there are concerns that church funds will not go to the UMC ministry and mission in the African nation.

On Monday, Yohanna sent a statement to Nigerian state officials explaining that at a special called session of the Nigeria Episcopal Area held last week, the entire regional body voted to leave the UMC and join the Global Methodist Church.

The GMC was officially launched in 2022 as a theologically conservative alternative to the UMC. Thousands of congregations in the United States have already switched their affiliations to the GMC

According to Yohanna, the decision to disaffiliate from the UMC came in response to the denomination’s decision earlier this year to allow for same-sex marriage and the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals.

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“Therefore we want to make a statement that since the church has derailed from Biblical principle we cannot be in this church where … homosexuality can be celebrated,” said Yohanna.

Yohanna warned that any UMC congregation agreeing with the changes would find themselves at odds with Nigerian law, which prohibits both same-sex relationships and LGBT advocacy groups.

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