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My Journey from Atheism to Christianity: Peter Guirguis

When I went to college, I was at the college as an atheist, but after a while, I began to search, why am I here, what’s the meaning of life, what am I supposed to be doing in life.

My Journey from Atheism to Christianity: Peter Guirguis
My Journey from Atheism to Christianity: Peter Guirguis

Peter believed Jesus was there to give him a great life. After a family business went belly-up and his dad was diagnosed with a serious, life-threatening condition, Peter began questioning God’s existence. Like so many of our youth today, Peter denounced his faith, embraced atheism, and engaged in a lifestyle of sin. He spent most of his college nights in clubs pursuing worldly pleasures.

That life provided nothing but emptiness for Peter. So he turned to New Age philosophy and self-help books. Still, he found no reprieve from the questions he had. In truth, his soul was thirsting for living water. God was faithful to provide what his soul needed.

Three Powerful Atheists Who Converted To Christianity (A Must Read)

As Peter was walking out of a theater one night, a stranger asked him, “Have you received your million dollars today?” Peter was caught off-guard. The woman handed him a Million Dollar Bill tract. Having no idea what it was, he took it.

“I planned to throw it in the trash the second I was out of her sight,” Peter said. But he didn’t. Instead, he shoved the Living Waters tract into his pocket.

“When I got home, I emptied my pockets and pulled out the tract. I turned it over and read, ‘Here is the million-dollar question: Will you go to Heaven when you die?’”

“As the tract took me through the Ten Commandments and called me to repentance I began to cry. That night I got down on my knees in my bedroom and asked God to forgive me—to help me…and He did!”

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Peter repented of his sins and put his faith in our risen Savior, and his life was forever changed. He now serves his church full-time, studies Living Waters training material, and actively shares his faith with the lost!

“Living Waters has given me the right answers to unbelievers’ most difficult questions so I can overcome my fears and share my faith.”

Recommended: List Of Converts From Atheism To Christianity

In this interview with Living Waters, Peter Guirguis shares the story of his conversion from atheism to Christianity (Watch Video Below).

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