Mosques And Islamic Books Should Be Controlled In Australia – Says...

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, an Australian Shiite, said that some Islamic books, like The Bukhari compilation of the hadith, should be banned in Australia. “Every...

American House Of Rep Member Tearfully Cries Out To God To...

But Lord, we have endeavored to kick your word out of public schools. We have endeavored to take the Bible out of classrooms Rep. Randy...

“God Is Real, No Matter How You Feel” – Rick Warren

God is always the same, no matter how we feel We are all human beings, and thus our feelings fluctuate and are dependent upon our...

Inmate Apologized, Spoke In tongues As He Was Being Executed

In a final statement before he was executed, condemned Arkansas inmate Kenneth Williams apologized to the families he "senselessly wronged and deprived of their...

Porn Star Quits, Gives Her Life To Jesus After Being Asked...

I fell to the ground and I said 'God, if you're real, I need you to tell me. I need a sign because everything...

Ugandan Pastor Reportedly Burns Bibles, Calls Them “Fake” And “Demonic”

A Ugandan Pentecostal pastor has reportedly torched thousands of Bibles because he believed they were “fake” and “demonic.” Pastor Aloysius Bugingo of the House of Prayer...

‘It’s Encouraging That The President’s Cabinet Gather Weekly For Prayer’ Franklin...

The Reverend Franklin Graham has expressed how encouraged he is at the news that many members of President Trump's cabinet meet together every week...

China Jails Christian Lawyer, Says He’s ‘Subverting State Power’

China has one of the worst human rights abuse records in the world and is known for persecuting Christians across its country. A Chinese court...

Pakistan: Gunmen Kidnap 14-Year-Old Christian Girl

A group of armed men has reportedly robbed the home of a Christian family in Pakistan's Punjab province and kidnapped their 14-year-old daughter at...

What It Looks Like Living In A 100% Muslim Country

Possession of a Bible and other Christian materials will place a Maldivian in jail Everything about the Maldives seems absolutely picturesque, yet these beautiful islands...