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Christian Street Preacher Attacked And Choked By Protesters While Preaching In Seattle

“We came here to express our religious views about the Lord Jesus Christ … They put me in choke-holds several times. They choked me,” the preacher said.

Videos of a pro-life advocate, Christians and others being assaulted and harassed inside the new “autonomous” zone in Washington state are popping up on social media.

The New American reports protesters recently set up the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), now called the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) zone, in a section of Seattle, kicked out police and set up guarded borders.

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They claim the police force is racist and must be abolished after a black man named George Floyd died when a police officer knelt on his neck while he pleaded that he could not breathe.

However, reports of violence and harassment by the protesters are surfacing, including a video of a man who was harassed and then kicked out of the CHOP zone for being pro-life, according to the report.

“Occupiers forced this guy out who was live-streaming inside the zone. The crowd was calling him a white supremacist, though the man being pushed out says he’s simply an anti-abortion advocate. The crowd chanted, ‘Who don’t matter? This (expletive)!’” Town Hall’s Julio Rosas wrote on Twitter, linking to a video of the incident, Life News reports.

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Jack Posobiec of One America News Network (OAN) shared another video of a street preacher who was assaulted and harassed inside the zone.

“We came here to express our religious views about the Lord Jesus Christ … They put me in choke-holds several times. They choked me,” the preacher said.

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The preacher told OAN that protesters also stole his phone, ripped his sign out of his hands, kneed him in the head and harassed him continuously. He said they did not want him to share his message about Jesus Christ.

“Mr. Trump, this place has got to be shut down now. They’ve taken our country. It’s a disgrace. This is not America,” the man said.

The Blaze reported more about the preacher being harassed and linked to videos of him being surrounded by protesters and choked, kissed and mocked.

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At another point, when the street preacher tried to walk onto a stage and yelled, “This is a Christian zone!”, several people wrestled him to the ground, according to the report. Eventually, the street preacher was allowed to leave. None of the reports named him.

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