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Bible Publisher Zondervan Releases ‘Quran with Christian Commentary’ to Help Christians Reach Muslims

Quran with Christian Commentary

Quran with Christian Commentary

Zondervan, a world-leading publisher of Bibles and Christian books, has announced the publication of a study guide of Islam’s Quran to help Christians in their efforts to reach and teach Muslims.

The new book titled The Quran with Christian Commentary: A Guide to Understanding the Scripture of Islam, authored by Gordon D. Nickel is a modern English translation of the Quran and contains Christian commentary to help believers understand what Muslims believe and how to reach them with the Christian message, CBN News reports.

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In their announcement of the project, Zondervan said in a statement that, “Nickel provides in-text notes to explain the meaning of various surahs (chapters and ayat (verses), their interpretive history and significance in Muslim thought, and similarities and differences when compared to biblical passages.” They also said their goal for the study was to equip “Christians to interact more fruitfully with Muslim believers.”

The publisher also says any Christian who wants to learn more about Islam and the Quran will find it to be a rich and informative introduction – including professors and students in courses on Islam, as well as pastors and missionaries who minister among Muslims.

He also said that the book would help Christians understand their Muslim neighbors and respond to their claims about God, truth, and salvation. He explained, “I knew from many years of studying and teaching the Quran that there are many ways to read this Scripture that allow readers to avoid confusion and rather to make sense of its main themes. I also noticed from my reading that the Quran often addresses non-Muslims directly and seems to demand a response to its claims.”

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In addition, the book contains articles on several different topics, which include: 

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Nickel is director of the Centre for Islamic Studies at South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies in Bangalore, India. A former instructor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the University of British Columbia, he has written several books including A Gentle Answer to the Muslim Accusation of Biblical Falsification.

The book will be released in hardcover format on April 28. 

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