As the fight for power continues to unfold in Haiti after the Caribbean nation’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced he would resign Monday amid escalating violence, an American missionary and several of her adopted children trapped there are pleading for prayers and help as they wait to be evacuated.
Through their Love A Neighbor ministry in collaboration with their sending church, Camano Chapel in Washington state, Ryan and Jill Dolan, along with their children, have worked as missionaries in Haiti since October 2013.
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In a statement posted on the ministry’s Facebook page on Tuesday, however, a family member revealed that Jill Dolan, along with four of the couple’s adopted children, got trapped as they tried to leave the country last week.
“My nephew Ryan and his wife Jill are asking for urgent prayer for Jill and four of their adopted teenage kids who were on their way to their biological daughter Sarah’s wedding north of West Palm Beach Florida when armed gangs took over the airport in the Haitian capital, Port–Au–Prince, early last week, trapping them there,” the family member said, according to The Christian Post.

“Flights have been canceled since then, forcing them to stay in a small hotel where they can hear gunshots as the massive gang violence to oust the prime minister continues all over the city, and especially near the airport where they are holed up. The teens are all white (one biological brother-sister set half Mexican), so they stand out in Haiti, which doesn’t help at present,” the statement added.
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“All roads in and out of the capital are closed as well, so they can’t even return to their ministry home on the western Haitian peninsula, where they operate a health clinic, orphanage and an old age home in a mountain village.”
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