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Syrian Muslim Woman Had Dream For 6 Nights Of Men Coming To Tell Her About Jesus; On The 7th Day They Arrived

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As the Syrian civil war continues after a failed cease-fire, many Muslims are encountering God, including a mother with confounding dreams that left her in a state of anticipation.

“The woman dreamt repeatedly of a man who told her that three people would come and bring her good news,” according to a ministry director for Christian Aid Mission (CAM).

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“She continued to have this dream for six days in a row,” the director told CAM. “On the seventh day, one of our teams was doing home visits and decided to visit a new house.”

The three men approached her door, not knowing that God had already prepared the way. The woman’s eyes widened when she opened to see the three, and quickly ushered them inside, according to God Reports.

“When they opened their Bible, she instantly fell to her knees,” the director told CAM.

When her husband and children walked in, she could not contain herself. “These are the people that the man in my dream told me to meet!” she told them excitedly.

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The followers of Jesus spoke to her about His saving death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Then they prayed with the family.

“They all put their faith in Him,” the ministry leader recounted. The entire household was saved!

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” Acts 16:30-31

“We have continued to disciple them since then, and they are like sponges – eager to learn and know everything they can,” the ministry director said.

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There are many new believers in Syria. “Since the beginning of the year, native ministry workers have baptized more than 230 people,” the director said. “On one occasion alone, 53 people were baptized, with each one telling how they came to believe in Christ.”

The local gospel workers have been effective in reaching their people, in ways that would be difficult for outsiders. “I totally believe that we should continue supporting the local church to go forward,” he noted.

Carrying out baptisms represents a security challenge in a country where Islamist groups are fighting for hegemony. Often, ministry workers only tell participants that they will be attending a meeting, without disclosing that baptisms are planned.

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“This is one strategy we have to prevent word from getting around about the baptism and putting people’s lives in danger,” the director told CAM. “Not long ago I had prepared another day of baptism, but some of the new believers did not show up. When we went to look for them in their homes, we found they had been killed. This is why it is best not to announce baptisms.”

In Syria, the vast needs and dreadful conditions challenge the faith and endurance of Christian workers, whose only hope is to maintain their focus on Jesus.

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