We ask you to join us in praying for the strength of our nation, our elected representatives and for the souls of the lost who would take up Satanic arms against us.

Witches across the United States have been casting spells upon President Donald Trump in an effort to topple him from power as part of the pagan tradition of the summer solstice. On the night of Friday, October 25, at 11:59 pm, thousands of witches from around the world cast a spell to “bind President Donald Trump and all those who abet him”. The ritual is intended to be performed during every waning crescent moon until he is no longer serving as President of the United States.
Now, Christians are counteracting the powers of darkness through fervent prayer. Even leaders from Israel are joining in to push back the forces of evil.
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“Witchcraft, or its real name, Satanism, is explicitly a power struggle, which is why it is so readily dragged into politics. Satanism, in its essence, pits the adversary against God,” Rabbi Daniel Asore explained, according to CBN. “The politicians who believe that man can control all aspects of the world are coming from a belief system based in Satanism, whether knowingly or not.”
Participants in the ritual, which has been performed regularly since Trump’s inauguration, are taking particular encouragement from Democrats’ recent launch of an impeachment inquiry, which they see as a sign their efforts are working, Washington Examiner reports.
“I’m willing to go on record and say it’s working,” said Michael Hughes, the self-described magical thinker and activist who came up with the ritual.
The spell is crafted “to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him,” and is supposed to be performed during every waning crescent moon until Trump is removed from office.
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The ritual calls for the use of an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin, and a feather. Participants then call on the “heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms, and spirits of the ancestors” to bind Trump “so that his malignant works may fail utterly.”
Against Hughes’ expectations, the ritual took off, and is still being performed almost three years later, with this month’s event likely to draw thousands of participants at small group gatherings and covens, or meetings of witches, around the world.
While he said it is difficult to calculate how many people participated at the first event in 2017, Hughes said it was “definitely in the thousands” and spread “across the world.” He noted that several thousand people continue to participate in the ritual every month.
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Hughes considers this spell a way for people to feel reempowered in the wake of the 2016 election.
“Knowing thousands of people are gathering together at the same time from all over the world to do this ritual and to put our beliefs and our desires into sharp focus, and to do that ritualistically, I think that has a really powerful effect,” said Hughes.
One member of the Bind Trump Facebook page said the summer solstice will be the “most powerful” binding yet.
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And Hughes’ ritual is not the only effort to cast a spell on the Trump administration. Last year, a group of witches gathered to perform a hex to cause suffering on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, using effigies of Trump, Kavanaugh, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Father Vincent Lampert, a Roman Catholic priest and the designated exorcist of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, said that Hughes’ ritual and the occult more broadly give an opening to evil in the lives of participants.
“Some of them may be doing it thinking it’s just fun, but they are gambling with evil, and just because their motive is one way doesn’t mean they’re not opening up an entry point for evil in their own life,” Fr. Lampert told the Washington Examiner.
And while more people might be turning to magic and witchcraft to find meaning, Fr. Lampert warned they are dangerous solutions.
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“I think evil will present itself as something good, maybe initially to attract people’s attention, to draw people in, but then ultimately people are going to discover it’s all about fracturing their lives,” he said.
“We ask you to join us in praying for the strength of our nation, our elected representatives and for the souls of the lost who would take up Satanic arms against us,” reads a post on the Christian Nationalist Alliance website.
Other Christian groups such as David’s Tent are combatting the enemy with non-stop worship, praying protection from the schemes of the enemy.
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“Our desire is to make a statement to our generation that Jesus is Lord and should be enthroned above every area of our lives and nation,” the group says.