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‘The Best Day in Prison, Ever’: Over 100 Women in Las Vegas Prison Receives Christ, Get Baptized

About 110 convicted criminals inside a Las Vegas maximum security prison were transformed by the power of God’s redemptive love over the weekend.

God Behind Bars, a ministry that works to restore the lives of inmates through faith-building outreach programs, reports the Gospel message was shared with 160 incarcerated women at a Las Vegas maximum security prison and many had an indescribable encounter with the Holy Spirit.

“The Holy Spirit FELL on this gym like we have never seen! Women were weeping as 120 of them stood up and gave their lives to Jesus. We only had one blow up baptism pool, and for an entire hour, we baptized 110 women. They kept coming and coming,” the ministry shared in a post on Instagram.

Week after week, God Behind Bars shares how the Gospel of Jesus Christ transforms prisoners across the country.

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The ministry is on a mission to reach the more than 2.3 million people in the prison system, according to CBN News.

“We have seen almost 1,000,000 salvations,” God Behind Bars CEO Jake Bodine shared in an online video recently, referring to years of ministry success. “Over 10,000 baptisms! Jesus gets the glory, it’s all about Him. Just remember, your seemingly small YES to God, can go farther than you could ever imagine. Give God your YES!”

In the latest outreach in Las Vegas, more than 150 women “filled a prison gym to hear about the name of Jesus” and left changed.

“I went through so much stuff my whole life,” one prisoner shared before she was baptized. “And now I am finally able to let go.”

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“I am so amazed. This is probably the best day in prison ever,” another inmate shared. 

Bestselling author and founder of IF:Gathering, Jennie Allen, has spent time traveling to college campuses across the country in recent months boldly proclaiming repentance and forgiveness, but over the weekend Allen shared the same message with this somewhat different crowd. 

“It was probably the most incredible movement of the Spirit,” she said of what took place inside the prison. “All but a few accepted Christ. [But] not just accepted Christ, but ran to Him. Like ran to Jesus.” 

Allen has a front-row seat to how God is transforming young people and says she is in awe at the work he just did in the hearts of the inmates at the Las Vegas correctional facility. 

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“They were just weeping while we baptized them. Weeping. And the whole place was cheering [and] going nuts. It was just the most beautiful thing we have ever seen. We couldn’t believe it,” she described.

Allen added that “revival is happening” among both crowds for the same reason.

“Colleges to prisons! What do they have in common? They are all DESPERATE for God,” she wrote. “Try and tell me God isn’t moving. You can’t. Jesus is compelling people to Himself. Grateful for the chance to serve beside you @godbehindbars I’ll never get over it.”

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Allen also shared she had the privilege of baptizing a woman bound to a wheelchair.

“I prayed to God that I would be able to get baptized [in water] and I didn’t think I would. And some people said I wouldn’t because I can’t get up,” the inmate told Allen. 

Allen responded, “We are going to baptize you because this is a symbol. The water is the image that God gave us so that we know that we are clean. So as you feel this water pour over your head, know that the fresh love of God washes over your sins. Washed in the blood of Jesus.”

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