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Selena Gomez Says She’s Leaning On Scriptures During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Selena Gomez

Singer Selena Gomez revealed she’s leaning on Scripture during the coronavirus quarantine in America.

Gomez joined her former Disney channel peer Miley Cyrus for her new show on social media called “Bright Minded.” Cyrus has been hosting interviews during the quarantine on Instagram Live. In her latest episode, she said she’s “learning things every day” amid the virus outbreak, to which Gomez responded by sharing some of the things she does to keep her mental health strong.

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“I read Scripture and poetry and everything and there’s just one line that says, ‘I choose to see the goodness in the land of the Lord,’ for me speaking personally and it’s because we weren’t really prepared for this specifically,” Gomez shared. “But I know that there are moments where this is where we test each other, like how are we going to treat each other?”

The “Rare” singer said that as she walks her dog, she’s seen a change in her neighbors.

“People walk by and then you switch sides; they’re saying ‘hi’ and they’re being friendly and they’re being kind and that’s something that I hope happens, as well as that,” Gomez said.

She added, “This can be a time to be gentle with ourselves, like you said, taking breaks from all the noise, even taking breaks from social media for a second and just being outside or being with my [fur] babies outside and just breathing in air. I think that that’s something that’s really important.”

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During the interview, Gomez also announced for the first time that she recently discovered she has bipolar, after years of struggling with mental health issues.

“Recently, I went to one of the best mental hospitals in America, McLean Hospital, and I discussed that after years of going through a lot of different things, I realized that I was bipolar,” Gomez told Cyrus. “And so when I got to know more information, it actually helps me. It doesn’t scare me once I know it.”

The 27-year-old shared some practical things she’s doing to manage anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“I’ve been writing a lot. I think that that’s been helping me process what’s been going on,” Gomez stated. “A lot of it is connecting with people that maybe you haven’t been the greatest to that you may not have thought about. I feel like there’s been a lot of people I’ve gotten to do that with, not necessarily saying it was bad, but just saying, ‘Hey, I hope you’re safe. I hope you’re doing OK and that you know you’re on my side. I’m only sending you love from this end.’”

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