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Pastor John Macarthur Says ‘True Believers’ Will Vote For Trump, Can’t Affirm Abortion And Trans Activism

“I said [to Trump] ‘any real, true believer is going to be on your side in this election,’ because it’s not just an individual, it’s an entire set of policies that Christians cannot in any way affirm”.

“There’s no way that a Christian can affirm the slaughter of babies, homosexual activity, homosexual marriage, or any kind of gross immorality” – MacArthur.

John MacArthur – Trump

Grace Community Church Pastor John MacArthur recently said that “any real” Christian will vote for Republican President Donald Trump in November because they cannot support the policy agenda of the Democratic Party.

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MacArthur is mired in a legal battle with California officials over his church holding indoor worship services during the state’s second-imposed lockdown in response to COVID-19.

In an interview with the Falkirk Center at Liberty University in August, MacArthur discussed a phone conversation he had with the president over the litigation.

“He called me after the Sunday morning service and he was very gracious and said, ‘I just want to thank you for taking a stand. Church is essential, and I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing,’” MacArthur recalled.

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The pastor then explained that he and the president “talked a little bit about why, certainly from a biblical standpoint, Christians could not vote Democratic.”

“There’s no way that a Christian can affirm the slaughter of babies, homosexual activity, homosexual marriage, or any kind of gross immorality,” MacArthur asserted.

“No way we could stand behind a candidate who was affirming transgender behavior, which of course is really the ‘reprobate mind’ of Romans 1.”

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MacArthur said he told Trump that abortion and LGBT matters “aren’t even political of us,” but rather “these things are biblical; these things are laid down by the Word of God.”

“I said [to Trump] ‘any real, true believer is going to be on your side in this election,’ because it’s not just an individual, it’s an entire set of policies that Christians cannot in any way affirm,” he added, according to Christian Post.

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