Believers Portal

My Sister Was Burnt Alive For Calling “God” – Testimony Of An Ex-Muslim (Video)

Pastor Joshua John, an ex-Muslim and Islamic scholar, has shared his painful testimony about how Islamic radicalism snatched his sister from him, whose only crime was to utter the word “God” because of that, she was burnt alive. After facing so much persecution and losing his sister, Pastor Joshua John still loves Jesus Christ and dedicates his life to Him.

Muhammad Cannot Love You Like Jesus Christ; An Ex-muslim´s Testimony

He was ostracized by the society, abandoned by the family, and there was a clear threat to his life from the radical islamists who do not respect a person’s right to religious freedom, but following Islamic Sharia law, they consider an apostate to ex-muslims who have left Islam, and in Islam, an apostate is supposed to be killed. Despite all those cruel and unnecessary punishments that he faced his faith never shattered, his love for Christ never decreased and he continued serving Lord in any manner that he could.

Today he has lost everything, including his family, friends, property, good life, and especially his sister, whom he loved very much, but he has no regrets as what he has found in life is more precious and valuable than the other things he could have, and that is Jesus Christ.

After 33 years of Satanism, Brian Cole Turns Preacher of Jesus Christ

Pray for Muslim converts and others who converted tp the Christian faith as they go through several untold persecutions for the name of Christ.

Hezbollah Militant Turned Pastor: Afshin Javid Shares The Encounter That Led Him To Jesus Christ

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