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Man Risks Life To Rescue 33 Children From Traffickers

Stop Human Trafficking

Amar returned the 33 children he rescued to their home towns.

A Christian brother, Amar, in Nepal is passionate about being the hands and feet of Christ.

The TellAsia worker recently risked his life journeying by motorcycle along treacherous mountain roads, high up in the Himalayas, to rescue 33 children from human traffickers.

“I was scared…and when I was going inside (where the children were held) the children were living, ten children were sleeping in one bed,” Amar explained.

He said when he first met the children and urged them to escape with him, but they resisted. They did not know him, so they feared trusting him – or anyone else and their intentions.

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“I was trying to call them, please come here and I’m just saying, ‘I am here to rescue you, please go with me.’ But the children said they were not ready to come with me and they were crying, crying, crying.”

After talking to the children for six hours, Amar finally persuaded them to leave with him and several other Christian workers who were ready to transport them to safety and reunite them with their parents.

After he freed the children, Amar took them to a restaurant to get something to eat. He said they appeared happy and celebrated their freedom by dancing traditional Nepali dances.

The traffickers have been arrested by the police and taken to jail.

“The owner guys, they already sent lots of kids to different countries – girls and boys,” Amar explained.

Amar and others involved in rescuing children from human traffickers in Nepal say many of those trafficked are sent to Singapore, Thailand and India.
Globally, more than 21-million people are subjected to forced labor and many – including children are trafficked for sexual exploitation.

Amar returned the 33 children he rescued to their home towns.

“Everybody’s parents came, they were welcoming us and here is the big news: two children (received) Jesus Christ!”

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Amar asks Christians around the world to pray for the rescued children and others still being traded in Nepal.

“Pray for this remote area (of Nepal) because there is a lack of education, lack of transportation, lack of roads. We need good schools in this remote area,” Amar said.

He said if the children are educated in schools, they are less likely to be trafficked.

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TellAsia is now educating the rescued children – with their parents permission – in a boarding school in Nepal.

Watch Amar tell his story below:

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