
Billy Graham Explains Why Sexual Activity Outside Marriage Is a Sin

A 16-year-old newspaper reader wrote Billy Graham a letter, asking him why he shouldn't follow his friends who are sexually active and having a...

Vietnamese Buddhist Turns National Evangelist After Miraculous Healing

The miraculous healing of one woman in Hanoi led to a remarkable Christian awakening in predominantly Buddhist Vietnam led by a farmer named Dao...
The Church of England's General Synod is its ruling body and sets its laws. It is unlikely any official change would pass synod but a form of 'accommodation' for gay relationships could be suggested.

Gay Priests To No Longer Swear Celibacy Under New Law

Gay clergy will no longer be forced to vow celibacy under new proposals to be announced by Church of England bishops, Sunday Times reports. Current...

ISIS Burns Alive Mother And Her 4 Children Who Tried Escaping The Caliphate

In its latest atrocious act, the Islamist extremist group burned alive a mother and her four children who were caught fleeing the caliphate, or...

Thousands Pray For The Release Of Indian Priest Kidnapped By Islamists

The Church in India is "worried and distressed about the fate of Father Tom." Thousands of people across India held a special day of prayer...

Nigeria: Jigawa State Government Demolish Churches

Nigeria is currently at number 12 on Open Doors World Watch list of Christian persecution. Persecution of Christians in Nigeria's northern states appears to be on...
President Trump signing an executive order in the Oval Office.

Christians Celebrate Trump’s Block On Abortion Funding, Say ‘He’s A Pro-Life President’

Republicans and some evangelical Christians said it fulfilled Trump's promise to be a pro-life President. Southern Baptist Russell Moore is among the leading US evangelical...
President Trump signing an executive order in the Oval Office.

President Trump Reinstates Anti-Abortion Policy, Restricts Abortion Funding

Trump signed an executive order that blocks foreign aid or federal funding for NGOs that provide or promote abortions. President Donald Trump has proved his...

Israel To Build 566 Settler Homes In East Jerusalem

In an initial move following Trump’s inauguration, Israeli officials on Sunday approved building permits for 566 settler homes in annexed east Jerusalem. The Palestinians had...

West Africa Faith Believer’s Convention (WAFBEC) 2017 – Pastor Poju Oyemade

The emphasis will be on God’s Word and the move of the Spirit. There will be 50 Sessions teaching God’s Word. West Africa Faith Believer's...