Believers Portal

One Of The World Tallest Men Gets Baptized (Video)

A video has emerged of one of the tallest men in the world being baptized. The footage of tallest man of Peru, Margarito Machahuay Varela, getting saved and baptized, is nothing short of remarkable.

Iran Christians Celebrate New Believers In Mass Baptism

As you can imagine, it took a small crowd of people to get all 8 feet and 3 inches of Varela down under the water and back up without any trouble. But they did it, and brother Varela can now start his new life with Christ! What an amazing moment.

Video Of Thousands Of Muslims Baptize As They Cry For Joy, Speak In Tongues

Muslims Turning To Christ In Great Numbers Through Dreams And Visions

NFL Stars Baptize Teammate Who Received Christ

‘Prince Of ISIS’ Finds Jesus While Trying To Kill A Christian

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