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Top 50 Countries With Most Christian Persecution In 2023


“Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you, and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ).” – Luke 6:22

“Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:10

Every year, persecution watchdog, Open Doors International, releases World Watch List, an annual ranking of the 50 countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian—countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

According to Open Doors’ World Watch List 2023, 312 million Christians face very high or extreme levels, with at least 5,621 Christians murdered in 2023, 2,110 churches attacked, and 4,542 Christians detained.

Top 50 Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous To Be Christian In 2024

Every day, more than 8 Christians worldwide are killed because of their faith. Every week, over 182 churches or Christian buildings are attacked, and every month, Over 320 Christians are imprisoned unjustly.

Deadliest Countries To Be A Christian

The 2023 World Watch List shows the usual contenders for the most dangerous countries for Christians held their top positions with Nigeria ranking number 6, from the 7th position it held in 2022. North Korea tops the list of Countries Where It’s Hardest to Be a Christian, a position it has now maintained over the last twenty years (2002), when the watch list began.

Over 75% Christians In North Korea Die In Persecution

WORLD WATCH LIST 2023 – Most Dangerous Countries To Be Christian

See The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Most Deadly To Be Christian – Open Doors 2023 Ranking

The 2023 rankings (with 2022 ranking in brackets)

  1. North Korea (2)
  2. Somalia (3)
  3. Yemen (5)
  4. Eritrea (6)
  5. Libya (4)
  6. Nigeria (7)
  7. Pakistan (8)
  8. Iran (9)
  9. Afghanistan (1)
  10. Sudan (13)
  11. India (10)
  12. Syria (15)
  13. Saudi Arabia (11)
  14. Myanmar (12)
  15. Maldives (16)
  16. China (17)
  17. Mali (24)
  18. Iraq (14)
  19. Algeria (22)
  20. Mauritania (23)
  21. Uzbekistan (21)
  22. Colombia (30)
  23. Burkina Faso (32)
  24. Central African Republic (31)
  25. Vietnam (19)
  26. Turkmenistan (25)
  27. Cuba (37)
  28. Niger (33)
  29. Morocco (27)
  30. Bangladesh (29)
  31. Laos (26)
  32. Mozambique (41)
  33. Indonesia (28)
  34. Qatar (18)
  35. Egypt (20)
  36. Tunisia (35)
  37. Congo DR (DRC)(40)
  38. Mexico (43)
  39. Ethiopia (38)
  40. Bhutan (34)
  41. Turkey (42)
  42. Comoros (53)
  43. Malaysia (50)
  44. Tajikistan (45)
  45. Cameroon (44)
  46. Brunei (46)
  47. Oman (36)
  48. Kazakhstan (47)
  49. Jordan (39)
  50. Nicaragua (61)

I Denied Being A Christian To Stay Alive, North Korean Prison Survivor

Muslim Girl Killed And Thrown In A Well By Her Father But Is Caught And Restored To Life By Jesus

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