Believers Portal

Show Me Thy Face – Hymn

Show me Thy face-one transient gleam
Of loveliness divine,
And I shall never think or dream
Of other love save Thine;
All lesser light will darken quite,
All lower glories wane,
The beautiful of earth will scarce
Seem beautiful again.

Show me Thy face-my faith and love
Shall henceforth fixed be,
And nothing here have pow’r to move
My soul’s serenity;
My life shall seem a trance, a dream,
And all I feel and see,
Illusive, visionary-Thou,
The one Reality!

Show me Thy face-I shall forget
The weary days of yore,
The fretting ghosts of vain regret
Shall haunt my soul no more;
All doubts and fears for future years
In quiet trust subside,
And naught but blest content and calm
Within my breast abide.

Show me Thy face-the heaviest cross
Will then seem light to bear,
There will be gain in every loss,
And peace with every care;
With such light feet the years will fleet,
Life seem as brief as blest,
Till I have laid my burden down,
And entered into rest.

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