My father is Hindu, my mother Lutheran. I was raised without much religious instruction, except that of example. The process by which the Church drew me to her was long. It would be presumptuous for me to say that I myself entirely understood how the Holy Spirit worked here.

Ramesh Ponnuru is an American conservative political pundit and journalist. He is a senior editor for National Review magazine, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a columnist for Bloomberg View, and a contributing editor to the domestic policy journal National Affairs.
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Born August 16, 1974, Ponnuru is of Asian Indian descent. He was raised by a Hindu father and a Lutheran mother. Ponnuru converted to Christianity in 2004 and has since then continued as one. He has this to say about his faith:
My father is Hindu, my mother Lutheran. I was raised without much religious instruction, except that of example. The process by which the Church drew me to her was long. It would be presumptuous for me to say that I myself entirely understood how the Holy Spirit worked here.
He is married to April Ponnuru.
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