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Pray For Muslim Convert Preacher Nabeel Qureshi As He Fights Cancer

Nabeel Qureshi, Famed Muslim-turned-Christian apologist

Nabeel Qureshi, Famed Muslim-turned-Christian apologist

Nabeel Qureshi is a leading evangelist, Muslim convert, preacher and author with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). But since last August, his busy speaking and lecturing schedule has been on hold due to an awful cancer diagnosis. Nabeel has a tumor in his stomach and was told he was unlikely to be cured.

After many rounds of chemo and radiation, Nabeel shared some bad news last week; the cancer has spread to other lymph nodes. So, he is not a candidate for surgery and must continue on without many other medical options. Remarkably, Nabeel has picked himself up and continues to rely on the Lord for miraculous healing.

Qureshi draws on the story of Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. His sickness was defeated, and “that is how it was glorifying God.” Nabeel also points out that “if you suffer well, for the sake of Christ, you can certainly glorify God.”

Ravi Zacharias Urge Christians To Pray For Nabeel Qureshi

“But in this case, the scriptural case in which a sickness brings glory to God will be because of the raising of the person who was ill,” Nabeel highlights of the Biblical story.

Nabeel reflects back a helpful perspective on all our lives, as he fights to save his own. “You might make it to 70, you might make it 80. And that would be fantastic. You might be like me and be given a diagnosis, where you are being given 9 months to live.”

“But it might be that you’re in a car accident tomorrow. There’s no telling before we die. And we all will die. And what Jesus is telling us that though we die, we may live.”

Jesus said “everyone who believes in me shall never die.”

“Do you believe this?” asks Nabeel.

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