Believers Portal

Our God Is Love – Hymn

Author: Daniel S. Warner

Our God is love, the angels know
That Father dearly loves us so;
But, oh, the ransomed feel within,
The burning love we try to sing.

Yes, God is love, and, oh! how sweet!
His love in me is made complete;
I dwell in love, in God alone,
And share the bliss of heaven’s throne.

Our God is love, oh, praise His name!
I feel His love a burning flame;
How sweet to know He sets me free,
And perfects that concerning me!

Our God is love, oh, could I tell
The love that saved my soul from hell!
O Jesus, break the heart of stone,
And let Thy mighty love be known.

Our God is love that thought so dear,
Now sweeps away each doubt and fear;
I sweetly rest this soul of mine
Deep in the heart of love divine.

Our God is love, a boundless sea,
And, oh, the wondrous mystery!
His mighty billows o’er me roll,
And flood with rapture all my soul.

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