Believers Portal

Open Wide The Door – Hymn

Author: Barney E. Warren

Sinner, hark! the Savior’s calling,
Pleading o’er and o’er;
Hear those tender accents falling:
“Open wide the door.”

Humbly bow with broken spirit,
Heaven’s mercy to implore;
Jesus calls, O sinner, hear it!
Open wide the door.

Weary sinner, lost and sighing,
Hear the call once more;
See the Savior bleeding, dying;
Open wide the door.

Wake, the joy fore’er increasing,
On that blissful shore;
Give thyself in Jesus’ keeping;
Open wide the door.

Hear the gospel message given,
Bar it out no more;
Christ will speak thy sins forgiven;
Open wide the door.

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