Believers Portal

On To Victory – Hymn

Author: Elisha A. Hoffman, ca.

Christian, gird the armor on,
There’s a vict’ry to be won
For the Lord, for the Lord;
Take the helmet, sword, and shield,
Forth unto the battlefield
At His Word, at His Word.

On we’ll march to victory;
Jesus will our leader be,
Jesus will our leader be;
On we’ll march to victory,
To a final and a glorious victory.

Let His banner be unfurled,
Till it waves o’er all the world,
Sea to sea, shore to shore;
Till the nations all shall own
He is King, and He alone,
Evermore, evermore.

When the battle shall be done,
And the victory be won
Conflict past, conflict past;
In our happy home above,
We’ll receive a crown of love,
At the last, at the last.

That will be an hour of joy,
Praise shall then our tongues employ
More and more, more and more;
We shall stand before the King,
And the song of triumph sing
Evermore, evermore.

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