Believers Portal

Never Can Tell – Hymn

Author: Annie Harris

Listen to the invitation:
“Come, ye weary, come to Me!”
Come, and you shall find salvation!
Will you not to Jesus flee?

You never can tell when the Lord will call you,
You never can tell when your end will be;
Cast your poor soul in the sin-cleansing fountain,
Come and get saved, and happy be.

Jesus loves you; do not tarry!
Hasten to His side today,
And, by faith on Him relying,
All your guilt will wash away.

Oh, ’tis madness to reject Him;
For, when you are called to die,
You will want a loving Savior—
So in time for mercy cry.

Oh, this wonderful salvation,
Offered now so full and free,
Seek it, ere ’tis passed forever;
Reconciled to Jesus be!

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