Believers Portal

List Of Bible Martyrs

List Of Martyrs In The Bible And How They Were Killed

John The Baptist Beheaded

John the Baptist, Son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, beheaded in the castle of Machaerus, at the command of Herod Antipas, A.D. 32.

Stephen Stoned To Death

James Slain With The Sword

Apostle Philip Stoned To Death

James, The Brother Of Christ, Beaten To Death

Barnabas Burned Alive

Mark Dragged To Death

50 Scriptural Verses For Your Healing Today

Apostle Peter Crucified

Apostle Paul Beheaded

Aristarchus Slain

Epaphras Slain

Four Friends Of Paul Martyred

Silas Scourged And Martyred

Onesiphorus And Porphyius Tied To Wild Horses, Dragged To Death

Andrew Crucified

Andrew, the holy Apostle, crucified at Patras, in Achaia, about A.D. 70.

Bartholomew Tortured And Beheaded

Bible Timeline Of The Old And New Testament (Chronology)

Thomas Tortured And Burned In A Furnace

Matthew Beheaded

Simon Zelotes And Judas Thaddeus Slain

Matthias Stoned And Beheaded

Luke Hanged

Antipas Roasted Alive

Apostle John Banished

Timothy Stoned To Death

Who Wrote The Bible?

List Of 365 Fear Not Bible Verses

Who Translated The Bible and Why (History Of Bible Translations)

Who Divided The Bible Into Chapters And Verses? Why And When?

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