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When God Closes A Door, It Doesn’t Always Mean He’ll Open Another, And That’s OK

Even when everything comes crashing down around us, God is still good

In the evangelical Church today, there is a tendency to rely on phrases such as ‘the best is yet to come’ and ‘he might have closed this door but he’ll open a better one.’ But are these really helpful? What if God closes a door for good? Then where do we go with our lofty expectations of it all turning out wonderfully?

The thing is, even when everything comes crashing down around us, God is still good. He is still on the throne, and he still showing us grace and love. “Will Jesus be enough for us when one door closes and God doesn’t open a window?” asks Benjamin Vrbicek at Desiring God.  

“When you stand up for what’s right and end up in jail (as was the case for John); when you have cancer; when you lose your job; when your house is robbed; when your parents get divorced; when you’re sick and lying on the floor and your children ask, “Daddy, are you okay?” Jesus is still Jesus. And he will be enough for you.”

God is strong when we are weak. He will uphold us by His mighty hand, even when we feel that one more bad thing in our life will completely flatten us. He will not forsake, you. “Today, if you are weak, know that Jesus is strong and he loves you dearly — even if you don’t understand your own pain and God’s plan for it,” asserts Vrbicek.

“Our afflictions are “preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17). Though the whole house falls down, our foundation in Christ will never crack.”

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