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China Releases Liu Xianbin After 10-years In Prison

Liu has spent a total of 21 years and 10 months behind bars due to his fight for the human rights of Chinese citizens.

Liu Xianbin (right) with his wife, Chen Mingxian, at home on June 27, 2020.
Liu Xianbin (right) with his wife, Chen Mingxian, at home on June 27, 2020.

Chinese human rights activist Liu Xianbin, has finally reunited with his wife following his release this past weekend, after spending 10 years in jail for writing for overseas dissident publications,

The Chinese authorities released Liu, who served a 10-year prison term for “subverting state power,” early on Saturday and he reached his home in Beijing late in the evening to be with his wife, Chen Mingxian, according to the U.S.-based ChinaAid.

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Two of Liu’s supporters who had gone to receive him, to welcome him back into society, were however, detained by officials.

Liu has spent a total of 21 years and 10 months behind bars due to his fight for the human rights of Chinese citizens.

In 1991, Liu was jailed for 2 1/2 years for “counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement” due to his involvement in the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests.

In 1995, he was detained for being part of a petition, “Drawing Lessons from Blood and Promoting Democracy and Rule of Law,” which was also supported by activist Wang Dan and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo.

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In 1998, Liu wrote an open letter to the Ninth National People’s Congress, demanding respect for people’s human rights, and co-founded the China Democracy Party’s unit in Sichuan. In early 1999, he was detained for a month in the Beijing Detention Center, followed by a house arrest. He was convicted of “subversion of state power” in August 1999 and sentenced to 13 years in prison. However, he was released early in 2008 for good behavior, Christian Post reports.

China releases Liu Xianbin after 10 years

Liu went back to his democracy activism and was again detained on June 27, 2010, for writing for overseas publications criticizing Chinese authorities, and later sentenced under article 105 of the Chinese penal code, which deals with subversion of state power.

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“Even going according to the CCP’s standards, it’s a judgment that entirely perverts the law,” Guo Guoting, a Chinese civil rights lawyer who later moved to Canada, wrote in an email after Liu’s conviction in 2010, according to The Epoch Times.

Article 105 of the Chinese penal code, Guo wrote, implies the use of violence. “But Liu Xianbin never did anything remotely violent.”

Liu was named on ChinaAid’s “China18” list of prisoners of conscience who have faced severe adversity for their promotion of freedom in China.

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