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Atheists Sue Ben Carson For Funding White House Weekly Bible Study



“I refuse to be intimidated by anti-religious groups into relinquishing my spirituality or religious beliefs.”

The United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson, has responded to a lawsuit filed by atheist groups against himself and the HUD Department for using taxpayer money to fund the weekly White House Bible study.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) allege that they are being unfairly treated by having to pay a fee when requesting information through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) about Ben Carson’s participation in the study.

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Carson paraphrases, “They are fearful that a hot beverage or a bagel may be consumed at the expense of taxpayers or that staff may be coerced to participate in religious activities against their will.”

On Facebook Wednesday, Carson explained on the page he and his wife share that the ministry is not supported by taxpayer money, and that staff are not forced into the Bible study.

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“More importantly,” Carson continued, “I refuse to be intimidated by anti-religious groups into relinquishing my spirituality or religious beliefs.” He added that it’s because of his faith that he can serve America well.

Faith is important in our nation. “We are not like everyone else,” Carson states, “which is precisely the reason that we rose so rapidly from obscurity to become the most powerful and free nation in history.”

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Carson, who is joined in the weekly Bible study by other members of the Trump administration, reiterated a thought-provoking message that Joseph Stalin shared about the U.S. during the Cold War.

“The United States could be destroyed from within by eroding three things: our patriotism, our morality, and our spirituality,” he added.

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