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2025 Prophecy By Tomi Arayomi For USA, Nigeria, And The Rest Of The World

2025 Prophecy By Tomi Arayomi

2025 Prophecy By Tomi Arayomi


Shocking Revelations

I want to talk about maybe 12 prophetic things that the Lord spoke to me about this morning that we’re going to prepare for. We’re going to expect to see things that are coming out.

1. A Year of Shocking Revelations

We’re going to see a year of shocking revelations. Many of us are going to be shocked by what we find out about what really happened during the 2020 elections and January 6th. The Lord is literally going to go back, right the wrongs, and uncover things. Some people may say, “We don’t care,” but the Lord says, “I’m going to show no mercy in this next season.”

The Lord says you’re going to see people indicted, called up, and questions raised like, “Why did Christopher Wray not say anything about these revelations? Why didn’t he report on what he knew?” The Lord says it’s going to be a year of shocking revelations and shocking lists.

We’re going to see revelations, the uncovering of the Epstein case, and a comparison with other high-profile cases. People will wonder how to make these things go away, how to stay silent. The Lord says, “I want to expose the ugly underbelly of what was hidden for so long.”

2. A Season of Resignation

Many people will resign suddenly, and you will wonder why they’re resigning so quickly. The Lord says it’s a sign of the exposure He is bringing. Judgment begins in His house, and He’s going to clean up other houses as well.

3. A Slowing Down, But Not Stopping

The Lord says it will be a year of slowing down, but not a stopping. Plans to slow down the clock on geopolitical events like China and Taiwan will emerge. The Lord says that even though China had plans to invade Taiwan by 2025, those plans will now be halted, at least for a time.

4. Five Years to Gain Influence and Power

The Lord says we now have five years left. These five years are to gain influence, power, and build your power structure. The Lord says these five years are for you to come into greatness. The Scripture says, “To you belongs the ability to make great and honorable.” Not all wealthy people are honorable, and not all honorable people are wealthy, but God is looking for a combination of both.

5. Run for Political Offices

The Lord says that many of you who’ve said, “I’m not a politician,” will now run for political offices. Some of you will run for local school boards, mayoral seats, or even higher offices. The Lord says it’s no longer enough to wish for federal change without starting with local change.

6. From Church to Ecclesia in Dominion

It’s time for the church to move from being just a religious institution to being the Ecclesia, a governmental body with dominion. You’re now the legislative body, the ones who decide what happens. God is challenging the church to operate in righteousness and justice. Even if it means dealing with “dirty politics,” the Lord says the Ecclesia will rise, and the Esthers cannot just have the title—they must also have the governmental authority.

7. The Church in the White House

The church may have the White House, but the Lord says there are other institutions of power that need attention. Many churches may think they’ve won, but other powers, including some in the Democratic Party, are not aligned with righteousness. We must be ready to take our positions in these other areas and spheres.

8. A New Conservative Judiciary

You will see a shift in the judiciary with more justices resigning. Some justices will step down, and the Lord says He is going to put righteousness back into the courts. There will be complaints from the left, but attempts to pack the courts will fail.

9. Glory Coming to the Church

The Lord says His glory will come. Glory is great for those living in the light, but for those living in darkness, glory will expose them. We must live in righteousness because the light of glory will expose the unrepentant.

10. An Economy That Cannot Be Fixed Without Prayer

Like in El Salvador, the economy will only be fixed with prayer and fasting. The Lord will challenge the church and leaders to call for national days of prayer and fasting to bring about a shift in the economy.

11. Hispanic and African American Revival

The Lord says that a revival is coming in the Hispanic and African American communities. A remnant will rise up, breaking away from old affiliations, bringing new alliances, and pushing for the salvation of the nation. The Lord will use the Hispanic community in powerful ways to bring radical acceleration and change.

12. New Battle Lines Being Drawn

As we approach January, new battle lines will be drawn. There will be efforts to shut down the government, and people will scream about a “Trump shutdown.” We must pray against assassination attempts and pray that the government is not used as a tool for blackmail or to push wickedness forward.

13. An Audit of NATO and the United Nations

The Lord says there will be an audit of NATO and the United Nations, slowing down their plans and exposing corruption. The Lord will challenge these global institutions and halt some of their ambitions, particularly related to the 2030 global agenda. The plans won’t stop, but they will be delayed.

14. Another Attempted Leak for a New Pandemic

The enemy will try again to create chaos with another pandemic attempt. If the people of God pray, the Lord will expose this plan. He will bring to light the hidden secrets, even those connected to figures like Dr. Fauci. The Lord is drawing a clear line between righteousness and wickedness, and this battle will require the partnership of the saints.

15. The Renewal of the Abraham Accords

The Lord showed me that there will be a renewal of the Abraham Accords, with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) at the table. While there will be opposition from countries like Turkey, Iran, and Iraq, sanctions will increase to force compliance. The Lord says MBS will play a crucial role in peace in the Middle East. Watch him closely—he could be a tool for good or evil, but either way, significant events will unfold around him in the coming seasons.

All 2025 Prophecies For The World, America, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa & Others

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