Will you take Jesus to be your Guide?
His love will brighten the way;
Safe in His keeping you may abide,
Will you take Jesus today?
Refrain – :
Will you take Jesus today?
Will you take Jesus today?
He offers pardon and peace to all;
Will you take Jesus today?
For you the Savior was crucified,
Accept His love while you may;
The door of mercy stands open wide,
Will you take Jesus today?
He longs to enter your heart of sin,
How can you turn Him away?
Throw wide the portal and let Him in;
Will you take Jesus today?
I will take Jesus, my Lord and King,
His word I gladly obey;
My sins forgiven, His praise I’ll sing,
I will take Jesus today!
Refrain :
I will take Jesus today!
I will take Jesus today!
He offers pardon and peace to all;
I will take Jesus today!