Believers Portal

What Will You Do With Jesus? (Knapp) – Hymn

Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
Who knocks for you today?
Will you open and bid Him enter,
Or turn from Him away?

I will open my heart’s door gladly,
And crown Him there today;
I will trust in His blood most precious,
To wash my sins away.

Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
When storms your soul appall?
Will you then seek another refuge,
Or for His presence call?

Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
When you at last must die?
Can you call on Him then to aid you,
Or will He have passed by?

Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
When at His throne you stand?
Will you then be with these rejoicing,
Or sink at His left hand?

When you come to the final judgment,
The question then will be,
Not how you will dispose of Jesus,
But how He will of thee.

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