Believers Portal

We Are His Family

Topic:   We Are His Family

Bible Book: Romans 8: 14-17

Memory Verse:  The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the         children of God (Romans 8:17)


John 1:12 tells us that they which receive Him (Christ Jesus), He gave them power to become the sons of God.

The day you received Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior, your family line changed. You did not just become a new creature, but you became a member of the family of God, and God became your Father.

You are part of the family of God, you share the same lineage with Jesus Christ, the same life that flows in Him flows in you also.

Remember, in the 17th verse of our text, the Holy Spirit was careful enough not to call us co-heirs, but join-heirs.

A co-heir just co-exists with little or no part in his partner, but a joint heir shares relationship with his partner and shares also in his partner’s inheritance.

Just as you are joint-heir with your siblings because you have the same parents, so also are you with Christ Jesus and you have God as your Father.

So, because Christ fulfilled purpose, you have all it takes to fulfil purpose, and because Christ succeeded in His earth walk, you have all it takes to succeed also.

Prayer: Lord help me to walk daily in the light of who I am (a member of Your family); and as joint-heir with Christ, I receive all that is mine in Jesus name, Amen

Action Point: Always be mindful of who you are, and confess daily, where you belong (The Family of God).

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