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Why Thousands Of Students Boldly Bring Bibles To School



“As a Christian student, you can be a powerful voice of hope at your school!,” wrote Liz Yani Franco in a post on Bring Your Bible’s Facebook page.

“This morning, we encouraged our babies to take their Bible to school and share hope with friends in support of “Bring Your Bible To School Day” and JD says to us.. Dad, Mommy I carry my Bible in my back pack. Be. Still. Our. Hearts. Thank You Jesus!” she went on to write about the Thursday event promoted across the nation.

It was all part of Bring Your Bible to School Day sponsored by Focus on the Family. Thousands of students participated – posting and tweeting about their experiences as they brought their Bibles to classrooms across the country.

“Lord, may You use our children for Your glory. Father, give them a spirit that is bold as a lion, yet gentle as a dove. Protect and guide them. Amen,” wrote another mom in a post on BYB’s page.

The #BringYourBible team also posted another story from Arkansas where a mother shared a text from her daughter with them.

“So I’m sitting in English with my Bible on my desk, and I open my assignments. Can you guess what it was about? It was about a certain school district taking religion out of their schools,” the student wrote.

“All I could think was how grateful I am to be in a school where I can bring my Bible and not get in trouble for it. I then read the last few verses of Revelations. I am so grateful to be in a school where I can freely worship God and no one can tell me differently. Even if they do, I’m still living for Jesus, and I will stand up for what I believe,” she concluded.

“Sharing the Bible with my friends in anatomy while learning about bones!! I also got to share my religion in Spanish class. Carrying my Bible around the halls got me to share my faith with others. I loved answering the questions people asked when they saw me carrying my Bible in the halls!” Sidney Schaefer said in another social media post.

“Although I had to leave school early for a dentist appointment, I still brought my Bible with me to Uhde Braces! I got to share my faith there as well. I had a great day and can truly say I felt God work through me!” Schaefer also said.

Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly said he hopes the event will help school administrators by showing them they don’t have “to police the students all the time when it comes to religious liberty issues.”

Daly said their goal is simple: empowering students to “exercise their religious liberties, and to graciously and winsomely live out their faith.”

Below are a few tweets by proud parents and students who also showed off their Bibles and their faith.


If you think my outfit is a disaster, you should’ve seen my life before Christ.


Bring Your Bible to School 2016
Lights for Jesus in our schools-Praise Him!@FocusFamily@BringYourBible

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