Believers Portal

Story Behind Almost Persuaded Hymn

Story Behind The Hymn, Almost Persuaded

The hymn, Almost Persuaded, was suggested to P. P. Bliss after hearing a sermon by Mr. Brundage, who, as he finished his discourse, said, He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, and to be almost saved is to be entirely lost.

In the Scripture, King Agrippa said to apostle Paul: Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. (Acts 26:28).

Almost Persuaded – Hymn Lyrics

(1) “Almost persuaded” now to believe;
“Almost persuaded” Christ to receive:
Seems now some soul will say,
“Go, Spirit, go Thy way;
Some more convenient day
On Thee I’ll call.”

(2) “Almost persuaded,” come, come today;
“Almost persuaded,” turn not away:
Jesus invites you here,
Angels are lingering near,
Prayers rise from hearts so dear,
O wanderer, come.

(3) “Almost persuaded,” harvest is past!
“Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last!
“Almost” cannot avail,
“Almost” is but to fail!
Sad, sad, that bitter wail,
“Almost,” but lost!

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