Believers Portal

Soldier, Rouse Thee! – Hymn

Soldier, rouse thee! War is raging,
God and fiends are battle waging-
Every ransomed pow’r engaging,
Break the tempter’s spell.
Dare ye still lie fondly dreaming,
Wrapt in ease and worldly scheming,
While the multitudes are streaming
Downwards into hell?

Through the world resounding,
Let the gospel sounding,
Summon all, at Jesus’ call
His glorious cross surrounding.
Sons of God, earth’s trifles leaving,
Be not faithless but believing,
To your conqu’ring Captain cleaving,
Forward in the fight.

Lord, we come, and from Thee never
Self nor earth our hearts shall sever;
Thine entirely, Thine forever,
We will fight and die.
To a world of rebels dying,
Heav’n and hell and God defying,
Everywhere we’ll still be crying,
‘Will ye perish-why?’

Hark! I hear the warriors shouting,
Now the hosts of hell we’re routing;
Courage! Onward! Never doubting,
We shall win the day.
See the foe before us falling,
Sinners on the Savior calling,
Throwing off the bondage galling-
Join our glad array.

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