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Six Crafty Lies The Devil Wants You To Believe

Various Moral Lessons

What are six crafty little lies the Devil wants you to believe.

Everyone’s Doing It
If some Christians can do something that to them is not sin, then we can’t automatically think its okay for us. What if we have a guilty conscience after doing it (whatever it is)? That tells us something’s wrong. The lie from Satan is, “Everyone’s doing it,” but the truth is, “No they aren’t!” Even if everyone else were doing it, that doesn’t mean it’s okay. And the fact that “everyone else is doing it” makes me think that it’s something of the world, and we’re not to be of the world. Sorry Satan, you’re a liar, and I don’t believe that “everybody’s doing it.”

You Deserve Happiness
After I was born again, I thought life would get a lot easier, and I’d be a lot happier, but the truth is, it got much harder. The lie that we deserve happiness can make us very discontent in life. It can cause us to grumble and complain, but the Bible never promises happiness to everyone who believes. In fact, it says “All who will live godly will suffer” in this life (2nd Tim 3:12). Jesus was even more vivid in saying, “the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few” (Matt 7:14). That’ doesn’t sound to me like this is my best life now. No, our best life is coming in the kingdom.

The Devil is Winning
If you look at the news, it appears that Satan and his demons are winning because the majority of the people in the world have not repented and trusted in Christ. Since He is the only way to be saved (Acts 4:12), and there are so many other false religions and those who don’t believe, it looks like God has failed, but wait a minute! God never promised eternal life for all. Jesus said many are called but few are chosen, and many will believe they are saved at His return, but these same many will be turned away (Matt 7:21-23), so yes, most appear to be headed to hell, but God wins. Just read Revelation 21 and 22.

You’re Unworthy
The Devil apparently has a “day job” where it’s his job to accuse the brothers and sister before God (Rev 12:10), and you know what, he’s right! We’re guilty…but not condemned. That’s because Jesus paid for our sins and we are now justified before God, so God has already said, “Not guilty. Case dismissed.” Sorry Satan, but let me read this to you about our standing before God: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2nd Cor 5:21). Satan, you’re right; we’re not worthy…our worthiness is not our own; it is imputed by Christ.

It’s just a little sin
What sin is there that the Bible ever calls little? None is the answer. All sin is an offense against God and it would only take one little sin to send anyone to hell, but for those who have trusted in Christ, all sins have been cleansed (1st John 1:9), but to think about doing something just because it’s not a “big deal,” is to be deceived by sin. Yes, we can be deceived by the sin that so easily entangles us, and think it’s only a small thing, but our hearts are too wicked and deceiving for us to make that judgment (Jer 17:9). No sin is little. Yes, some are more serious, but that doesn’t give us permission to only sin the less serious ones. Don’t believe that lie from the enemy.

We Don’t Need the Church
I have heard from Christians who don’t believe we need the church anymore, but let me ask them this question; can you as one person sustain a children’s ministry; continue a prison ministry; help a homeless group; serve in a nursing home ministry; evangelize the city, and serve the poor in our community, all as one person? No one person can do all of these things by themselves, so this is why Jesus commands His church to feed the hungry, give the thirsty a drink, welcome the stranger, clothe the Unclad, go to the sick and visit those in prison (Matt 25:35-40). The lie that we don’t need the church today hurts the church today by taking away laborers who can enter the harvest, and why Jesus said, “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:38). The church is a people of God; not a steel and concrete, but they do need a place to meet with steel and concrete.

If we can learn to recognize the voice of the Devil, then we can realize that every word he and his demons say is a lie, because he’s the father of lies (John 8:44). In fact, the only time you can believe the Devil is when he says he’s a liar. If you stay connected to the Word of God, you’ll be more able to discern Satan’s lies and know when to turn a deaf ear to him, especially knowing he’s a liar, and has been one from the beginning (Gen 3).

May God richly bless you,

By Pastor Jack Wellman

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