Believers Portal

Sing Of The Mighty One – Hymn

When light divine had touched the hills
By slumb’ring Galilee,
The golden wave then rolled afar
Towards the western sea,
And when the men had knowledge of
The Holy One of God,
They journeyed forth through all the land,
And spread His fame abroad.

Oh, sing of the loving One!
Oh, sing of the healing One!
Oh, sing of the mighty One,
He’s just the same today!

And when they brought the suff’ring ones,
The lowly and the dear,
And laid them at the Healer’s feet,
From far away and near,
They bent before the wondrous One,
And earnestly besought,
That they might only touch the hem
Around His garment wrought.

He heard the prayer, and gave the will
And strength to touch the hem,
And gave the faith, and virtue flowed
From Him and healed them;
For every one whose feeblest touch
Thus met the Savior’s pow’r,
Rose up in perfect health and strength
In that accepted hour.

O tender One, O mighty One,
Who never sent away
The sinner or the sufferer,
Thou art the same today;
The same in love, the same in pow’r,
And Thou art waiting still
To heal the multitude that come,
Yea, whosoever will.

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